Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I made Rysa this coat today. I couldn't find any coats I liked that fit her so I decided to make one. Next on my list: a dress for Rysa and a skirt for me!


Liz Szilagyi said...

Hey Callie, I'm so glad you found my blog! How are things? Is the house done? Congrats on the new addition. She's a doll.

Braydan and Jessica said...

That's really cute Callie! Good job.

Becky G said...

Cute coat!! Did you just full that out of your head or did you have a pattern? I took 4-H growing up but I know I couldn't have sewed that to save my life - good job!

Rawlings Family said...

What is it made out of? It sure will be handy now that is is FREEZING a lot of the time.

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