I am seriously having a meltdown today. I feel so overwhelmed and yet
I really have nothing to do. It is the first cold day of the season
but I already feel all cooped up. I HATE only having one car. Not
that it would really matter since I would feel guilty driving
everywhere. I am dreading this weekend because I will, yet again, be
doing NOTHING while dh and friends watch sports all day long. I wish
this meant since he is home, I get a break but it doesn't. It means,
he is home, he gets a break.Clarysa wants
NOTHING to do with him, it is so hard. Maybe I should go to the
temple tomorrow, I really need some uplifting. I feel so . . . so.
I can't find the word for it. I finally started scrapbooking and that
was GREAT but now I want to spend, spend, spend, on more scrapbooking
stuff. I have so many things I want to do but they all take money. I
am so sick of being poor. I just want Cris to get done, pass these
tests, and move on with life. I don't want to leave Utah really, not
with all my friends here, but it would be so wonderful since we could
get a fresh start and have $$$. I am so glad we don't have debt but
man . . . I am done living like a tight wad.
Sounds like you need a girls night out!!! Tell Chris he can watch sports if he watches the kids for you so you can go have time for yourself. Seriously, you need to take a break and have some fun!!
thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog! It was so fun to see your little family. Ties flies:)
And yes...I do remember you:) Yep...Mr. Bishop's son...wierd, huh! I don't remember anything from that class...whoops.
You have such a darling little family. It's great to see your doing well! Also-you are very motivated! I was looking at your weight loss blog...and all I can say is keep posting tips, because I need all the help I can get!
I wish I was there because I need some fun too. I will see you at Christmas though!!!
I'm sorry I couldn't help you the other day...but you know how I love to talk so you'll have to come over soon. I know it's hard not having money and only one car, but I promise it won't last long and then you'll wonder where the "good life" went. Seriously, tell Chris you have to run and errend and GET OUT!
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