Sunday, October 12, 2008

8 Things

8 Things Tag

8 Things I am PASSIONATE About...
1. Cris
2. Cayten
3. Clarysa
4. The Gospel
5. Scrapbooking
6. Reading
7. Play time with kiddos
8. Exercise

8 "words" or "phrases" I say way to often...
1. Shut Up
2. I'm Tired...
3. What Doing?
4. Shoot
5. Gosh
6. I don't know...
7. Wakus
8. Yeah right

8 Things I want to do before I die...
1. Serve a mission with Cris
2. Learn Spanish and Portuguese
3. Get to a healthy weight
4. Go to Hawaii
5. Go to Brazil
6. Go to every state in the USA
7. Have zero debt
8. Watch my children grow up and have families

8 Things I have learned From my past...(I am copying Heather J, I agree with all of hers!)
1. Everyone makes mistakes
2. The Gospel is AMAZING!!
3. Don't regret things, learn from them
4. Forgiveness is key to a lasting relationship
5. Friends come and go, but your family is always going to be there for you
6. Repentance is the best thing in the world!
7. ALWAYS say I love you
8. God hears and answers prayers

8 Places I would love to see...
1. France
2. Hawaii
3. Brazil
4. Incan Ruins
5. Japan
6. Church Sites
7. Alaska
8. Holocaust Museum in D.C.

8 Things I Currently Need or Want...
1. Warm clothes
2. Scrapbooking Supplies
3. Lots of Money
4. I need to to be grateful for what I have
5. I need to get some sleep
6. I want to sleep with just me and Cris (no kiddos randomly throughout the night :( )
7. I want a second car
8. I need to be more spiritual

8 More People I Tag!
1. Lindsee
2. Chelsy
3. Jessica
4. Haley
5. Brindi
6. Jenny
7. Lindsey
8. Anyone who wants


Braydan and Jessica said...

Wakus? What doing? And I thought I said weird things :)

Allyson said...

It's great to see what you're up to! You have a beautiful family!!! Keep in touch!!

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