Carsyn was 7lbs 15 oz at birth. When he was 6 days old he weighed 7lbs 5 oz. At 15 days old, he weighed 7lbs 0 oz, and today at 22 days old, he still weighs 7lbs 0 oz. I went to a lactation person today and we did a weight check, fed, weighed again, fed, weighed again, and at most he was getting about an ounce from me. Later today, I went to his pedi for another weight check and his pedi is SUPER concerned. I told him about some regurgitation issues that I thought were reflux and that his stools are still pretty thick, greenish in color sometimes and sometimes yellow. He just called me back and is pretty concerned. He thinks he is dehydrated and not getting enough calories.
Last week he wanted me to start supplementing 2-4oz of formula/day. I didn't want to, and so I didn't. I started feeding him ever hour and a half and at MOST gave him 1-2 oz of formula everyday. Now he is wanting me to give him 4-6 oz of formula in addition to his feedings everyday. The problem I have with this and as you are all aware I am sure, is that when Carsyn has any formula, he tends to sleep for hours and it is hard to even try and wake him for any feedings.
The lactation consultant issued me a hospital grade pump and I am to pump for 10-15 minutes 6-8 times/day. Hopefully, during those pumpings, I get at least 1 oz and can give that to Carsyn 6-8 times a day. I figure this will give him the extra 4-6oz my pedi is suggesting, I am just worried there aren't enough calories in my milk. My milk is not cream like some peoples. . .
Any suggestions you all have? Pray for Carsyn and me that in the next 2 days he will start gaining weight, we have another weight check on Friday at 2:45 to also address my concerns of the dehydration, stools, and possible reflux issues.
There are lots of things you can do to increase your supply- eat oatmeal, drink mother's milk tea, and a few other things listed on this AMAZING website...
I had to supplement a few ounces a day with Kahlan, but always pumped when I supplemented, then to wake her up if she slept too much I'd undress her and rub her back (up and down her spine)or feet with my finger nails
I understand the importance of supplementing if it's effecting their stool, it means they're dehydrated and for an infant that's pretty scary, but being a FIRM believer in breast feeding I know it can be hard- I only did when it was absolutely necessary medically.
My advice is don't be too hard on yourself Callie. If you have to supplement with formula, then don't feel guilty. From a dietitian point of view, no regaining of birthweight by 22 days is serious, so do what your Pedi says. I have always had supply issues too. The hospital grade pump really helped my supply go up and then I had enough to exclusively nurse Kate until she was 10 months. I've had to do the same with Andrew. With Marin I formula-fed and guess what? She's actually turning out okay :) I don't want to undermine your breastfeeding efforts, but if you have to give Carsyn a little formula I promise it won't hurt him. Good luck to you! I know how you're feeling and things will work out okay :)
I agree with both Cara and Jessica. It's really more important your baby is getting what he needs. It's not your fault that things aren't seeming to work out. I think how ever you can get your baby fed is what you need to do. Whether it be pumping and bottle feeding or supplementing with formula. I'd continue with the pumping and feed him as much of breastmilk as you can but there is no harm in formula. It was never my ideal choice for my baby but I did what I had to do when he wasn't nursing like he should. Keep working with the lactation consultant and dont give up.
Also try lots of skin to skin contact, wear them all day long. I have a Moby wrap you can use if you'd like. It just wraps them close up to you and if you have them skin to skin it can also cover you very well so you aren't showing off.
Sleeping with your baby will also help boost your supply. I also have heard of a recipe for lactation cookies that I can get you the recipe. I will also look up some herbal supplements you can take to help boost supply.
I hope you can continue to breast feed your baby like you want to even if it means you have to supplement as well. A balance of both is better than nothing. Call me if you need to. I'll be willing to let you use the moby if you want, I am not using it at all. 4357444205
I agree on the wearing him. I used a ring sling with Kaitlyn and a sleepy wrap with Cassidy and could nurse in both. A few ways to help boost supply...oatmeal, fenugreek, mothers milk tea, gatorade or poweraid, or even a good beer, even the nonalcoholic kind is good, it is the hops and barley that helps. I had supply issues with Cassidy and used mothers milk tonic...i bought it at a health food store but they also carry it at walgreens or cvs. It includes Fenugreek which helps promote breastmilk production...this is the one I bought you can also ask the dr for a prescription for Reglan or Domperidone, they both help to boost supply. As far as making sure he gets more hindmilk will help as well, nurse on both sides during a feeding, then when you do your next feeding start with the side you used last, this will allow you to get more hindmilk because the first part of the feeding they will be getting the hind milk which has more calories in it.
Here is the link to the lactation cookies. They sound so yummy!
Oh man how worrisome. This is such a hard phase because dehydration in babies can be very scarey. They can get worse so quickly. They just can't fight against it like kids can. The most important as you know is definitely getting him fed even if it is with formula. I had to stop feeding Nicole at 4 months because I had no supply. Was I sad about it, yes, but really a baby at this age has to get the nutrients. Maybe by supplementing you will not be so worried about him which will increase your supply. Definitely skin to skin, the sleeping thing just be careful with. Here's prayers going out to both of you. Here's hoping the next post will be a good one. Love ya.
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