Cris works at a company where he gets big boxes ALL the time. Every now and then he will come home with a box and I cut windows and doors and stuff. The other day he REFUSED to take a nap so I drug the box to his room. A few minutes later I found him like this! I KNEW he was TIRED~! He does have a bed!
He started to wake up as I was taking pictures so I quickly stopped!
Cris and Cayten had a boys day on Saturday and while I was cleaning Rysa was watching her "pwinsess" show just happily laying on her beanbag and getting one on one time with mommy!
That's so funny with the box :) Rysa is getting so big!
Rysa is getting so big! She is a doll! Maybe I should try the box thing with Rhet. He's been refusing lately!
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