Thursday, February 4, 2010

He has a bed . . . I promise!

Cris works at a company where he gets big boxes ALL the time.  Every now and then he will come home with a box and I cut windows and doors and stuff.  The other day he REFUSED to take a nap so I drug the box to his room.  A few minutes later I found him like this!  I KNEW he was TIRED~!  He does have a bed!

He started to wake up as I was taking pictures so I quickly stopped!

Cris and Cayten had a boys day on Saturday and while I was cleaning Rysa was watching her "pwinsess" show just happily laying on her beanbag and getting one on one time with mommy!


Braydan and Jessica said...

That's so funny with the box :) Rysa is getting so big!

Chelsy Hansen said...

Rysa is getting so big! She is a doll! Maybe I should try the box thing with Rhet. He's been refusing lately!

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