Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day (weekend)

 This year I decided I would "TEACH" my husband how to be romantic for V-Day by doing romantic stuff for him . . . in return he better have learned something and treat me to something similar in the future!

Cris's parents took the kids for the weekend so it was absolutely peaceful!  I really needed the break and had a great time without the kids.  I don't think I even missed them until right before going to get them.  Does that make me a bad mom?

Since the kids were gone I decided to make Cris dinner on Friday. I went ALL out!  I got candles and fancy cups. I dimmed the lights and we had ourselves a candle lit dinner for the FIRST time in our marriage or even our relationship together! I made Tiny Spicy chicken, eggrolls, rice, and strawberry slushi!  It all was delicious although the chicken was SO spicy we almost couldn't eat it.  I didn't take any pictures but I sure wish I would have . . . maybe I will re-create so I can get some proof!

On Saturday we went to the temple and did Sealings.  It was WONDERFUL.  There is such a Spirit in the temple but when I do sealings, that Spirit is even stronger.  After leaving the temple we went and bought a dining room table.  We have been looking for over a month as ours only has 2 chairs left.  I had browsed and decided between the two we chose from.  I let Cris have the ultimate decision and he picked the one I wanted even though it was $100 more than the other one!  I do have a picture of that!

On Sunday we were able to go to Sacrament with NO kids.  It was amazing to actually sit through the entire sacrament and get something out of it!  It was on Charity, the Pure Love of Christ!  It was GREAT. 

Cris was too tired to go to Ogden to get the kids so I went with my little sister and then headed over to my moms.  She fed us some YUMMY dinner and we watched the Time Travelers wife . . . I hated it!  After we got back we went to a neighbors and decorated some V-Day cookies . . . Whew, it was quite the weekend but it was WONDERFUL!  I loved every minute of it!

Click Here for a detailed tutorial on how to make this DIVINE pizza!

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