Today Cris, Cayten, and Clarysa stayed home from church. Both kids have got rotten colds they got from me last week. Poor things . . . the colds have settled mainly in their eyes. Rysa seems to be on the mend but Cayten is just starting.
I substituted in primary today and realized how much I miss being a primary teacher. It has been a really long time but I miss it just the same. The children have such sweet spirits and they never cease to amaze me with how much they know. The lesson was on the Priesthood and each of the children . . . 5-6 year olds, new just what it was and each had a story to tell of a blessing they had received. It was a great experience.
Cris is teaching the temple prep class tonight by himself. I don't think those in the class want us to infect their kids with sickness. Cris just left. It is such a wonderful class. There are 6 lessons but each lesson takes about 2 weeks because we have such wonderful conversations.
I also need to appologize if I don't read your blog. . . if it is private, I don't get updates and I don't know everyone that is private. . . . also do you have problems commenting or does no one read my blog, LOL.
I read it! I love to see your pictures! Did I send you an invite to read mine? Hope so! Hope all is going well for you!
nope we read it. I just see you all the time and usually talk about what is on your blog, so my comments come in person. LOL
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