Thursday, October 30, 2008

Did it?

So, did my blog post and hard realization kick me in the butt or what?

Last night as I was lying in bed I realized one of many things I needed to do to kick the weight in the butt. My psyche needs to see results. I feel that if I don't see quick results, I don't stick with it. So far today, I have worked out for an hour and 15 minutes. I hope to work out for another 15-45 minutes tonight. I will be doing this everyday except Sunday. Please no comments about how this wont work or will be too hard. I really feel I have to start this way. I am already eating pretty healthy.

The only problem I foresee is the fact that we are invited to a Halloween party tomorrow, I have been asked to bring a pumpkin roll AGHHHHHHHH, how do I cook it, not eat it while cooking, and take it to them, and not pig out? :(

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have to appologize up front . . . this is going to be a depressing post. Today I stood on a scale for the first time since I had Clarysa. I weigh the same as when I was pregnant with her. I am so frustrated about this because I have been excersizing and eating pretty healthy. I don't know what else to do. It comes on so easily but not off, I am so FRUSTRATED. I just really want to be at a better weight for me but I am sick of feeling like a fat sore thumb with both sides of my family. I am really hoping that within the next few weeks, I can lose some weight. STUPID holidays are coming up and I am going to be very depressed if something doesn't change.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

34 Pictures

Cayten running away from me . . . UGH, really we were having a blast!

Clarysa enjoying the leaves and the kids throwing them on her!

Silly face (got her as her eyes were closing or opening)

"Mom, these crinkly things are kind of fun!"

" I am not so sure about this"

We love fall!

The kids attacked Rysa with leaves. It was really fun and she laughed through it all!

Trying to get away . . . these kids can run . . . save me!

My favorite picture

There is a fountain coming out of this pumpkin

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Hair

Here is a picture of my new hair. I LOVE it. Sorry if you don't. My little sister came down from Randolph to spend the weekend with us and she is so AWESOME she took the time to cut my hair and dye it. It is probably my favorite of all. We died it red first and it turned out pretty bad. . . too bad I didn't get pictures . . . it was pretty much pink. I really like how it turned out after we put some brown into it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I made Rysa this coat today. I couldn't find any coats I liked that fit her so I decided to make one. Next on my list: a dress for Rysa and a skirt for me!

Monday, October 20, 2008


What is your husbands name? Cris
How long have you guys been married? 4 years in January
How long did you date? 8 months including engagement
How old is he? 26
Who is taller? Cris
Who can sing best? Me, my husband REFUSES to sing
Who is smarter? Cris is smartest book wise, when it comes to the kids . . . I am usually smarter :)
Who does laundry? Both
Who pays the bills? Both
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who mows the lawn? Me most of the time
Who cooks dinner? Me nearly all the time but Cris cleans up the mess and does dishes!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither of us! Cris is never wrong . . . I have too much pride!
Who wears the pants? we share

I tag whoever wants to be tagged!



Cris and I are in a predicament. Cris's student loans are coming due in November. We have all but $500 saved up to pay them off in full. This is so great because besides our home, we would be COMPLETELY debt free. With the economy the way it is, we are wondering if it would be better to invest the large sum of money and make more than the monthly payment on our student loans, or pay the loans off in full.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

8 Things

8 Things Tag

8 Things I am PASSIONATE About...
1. Cris
2. Cayten
3. Clarysa
4. The Gospel
5. Scrapbooking
6. Reading
7. Play time with kiddos
8. Exercise

8 "words" or "phrases" I say way to often...
1. Shut Up
2. I'm Tired...
3. What Doing?
4. Shoot
5. Gosh
6. I don't know...
7. Wakus
8. Yeah right

8 Things I want to do before I die...
1. Serve a mission with Cris
2. Learn Spanish and Portuguese
3. Get to a healthy weight
4. Go to Hawaii
5. Go to Brazil
6. Go to every state in the USA
7. Have zero debt
8. Watch my children grow up and have families

8 Things I have learned From my past...(I am copying Heather J, I agree with all of hers!)
1. Everyone makes mistakes
2. The Gospel is AMAZING!!
3. Don't regret things, learn from them
4. Forgiveness is key to a lasting relationship
5. Friends come and go, but your family is always going to be there for you
6. Repentance is the best thing in the world!
7. ALWAYS say I love you
8. God hears and answers prayers

8 Places I would love to see...
1. France
2. Hawaii
3. Brazil
4. Incan Ruins
5. Japan
6. Church Sites
7. Alaska
8. Holocaust Museum in D.C.

8 Things I Currently Need or Want...
1. Warm clothes
2. Scrapbooking Supplies
3. Lots of Money
4. I need to to be grateful for what I have
5. I need to get some sleep
6. I want to sleep with just me and Cris (no kiddos randomly throughout the night :( )
7. I want a second car
8. I need to be more spiritual

8 More People I Tag!
1. Lindsee
2. Chelsy
3. Jessica
4. Haley
5. Brindi
6. Jenny
7. Lindsey
8. Anyone who wants

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dumb, Dumb, and Gummer

No, you read the title right, I didn't misspell Dumber. Here is the story about Gum, and why you shouldn't leave it in you pant pockets.

Today I was doing our laundry. I had the thought of checking my pant pockets but I ignored that thought. I moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer and found two barettes, that is all! After the clothes were all done being dryed, Cris opened the dryer and there was gum EVERYWHERE! One place we were lucky is it didn't get on ANY clothes. Of course, Cris was a little upset so I went in there to see what all the hoopla was about. I should have taken pictures but I didn't. It really was everywhere. I started washing with a cloth, to no avail. Nothing was working. I decided to google it and found this: There are a lot of ideas on there but they mostly entail a dryer sheet, water, and some sort of cleaner. I took a dryer sheet, wet it, and turned the dryer on for about 5 minutes. Then I tried to wash it out with the cloth . . . didn't work. I went and got some bathroom cleaner . . . didn't work. I got out my Orange Clean, wet cloth, and dryer sheet, the gum washed right out. So, if you find yourself in a bind . . . just google it!

As for yesterday, I have to appologize. I was definately on a downer. When Cris came home he helped me out imensley and made all the bad go away. We had tickle fights, watched tv, had an easy dinner, and Cris just let me vent as much as I needed.

Today I was able to go to the temple. I really needed the uplifting I got there. I love the peace and serenity that is there. It was the first time in a very long time that I was able to just feel calm and not worry about anything that was going on around me. I had this overwhelming feeling that Heavenly Father loved me and that I am doing a good job, I just need to work on things a little bit more.

It snowed here today and news has it that I should wake up to 3-6 inches of snow. It is OCTOBER, HELLO! I hope we don't get that much but if we do, it will be fun I guess! I really hate that there is no such thing as fall or spring in Utah, it is either extreme COLD, or extreme HOT!

Friday, October 10, 2008

What to do . . .

I am seriously having a meltdown today. I feel so overwhelmed and yet
I really have nothing to do. It is the first cold day of the season
but I already feel all cooped up. I HATE only having one car. Not
that it would really matter since I would feel guilty driving
everywhere. I am dreading this weekend because I will, yet again, be
doing NOTHING while dh and friends watch sports all day long. I wish
this meant since he is home, I get a break but it doesn't. It means,
he is home, he gets a break.Clarysa wants
NOTHING to do with him, it is so hard. Maybe I should go to the
temple tomorrow, I really need some uplifting. I feel so . . . so.
I can't find the word for it. I finally started scrapbooking and that
was GREAT but now I want to spend, spend, spend, on more scrapbooking
stuff. I have so many things I want to do but they all take money. I
am so sick of being poor. I just want Cris to get done, pass these
tests, and move on with life. I don't want to leave Utah really, not
with all my friends here, but it would be so wonderful since we could
get a fresh start and have $$$. I am so glad we don't have debt but
man . . . I am done living like a tight wad.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bored out of my mind:

Well, not much has been going on in our life as you can see with no posts. We are having a small get together tomorrow with a bunch of friends to play a game called Killer Bunnies. It is a really fun game but it tends to last for about 2 hours. We are having dinner and then a bunch of goodies. Cris's friend is coming from AZ for the weekend.

My sister invited us to come up to Randolph this weekend (in the middle of nowhere), it is past Bear Lake about 30 minutes away from Evanston, WY. We were going to go horseback riding, carve pumpkins, and dye my hair but now it is going to rain/snow. This has ruined all of our plans and I am so SAD. My sister is so alone up there and wants visitors and every time anyone plans to go visit her, something comes up. It would have been so much fun.

My latest adventures with the kiddos is putting up a tent with blankets and chairs. Cayten is constantly pretending it is raining outside. He has so much fun. Yesterday we taught him the chicken dance. He thought it was pretty funny.

Today is my SIL birthday. She is living in St. George going to school and really misses her family. Happy Birthday Lit!

I wanted to post a bit about conference. It is really hard to REALLY pay attention with two kids. I am so grateful they print it out for us in Nov Ensign.
The two talks I liked the most were Bednars talk about prayer and Wirthlin's talk about laughing it off. I have really taken to heart the part in Bednars talk where he is telling a story about a meeting with an apostle at his home and also finding out about a friend that had passed on. The apostle asked his wife to only say what they were thankful for and not ask for blessings. I have done that the past 2 nights and it really helps you think about your prayers, really talk to Heavenly Father, and not get into a routine. What were your favorite parts?

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