Saturday, November 28, 2009


I am going to go insane and need some help. My children will NOT eat. I have NEVER had picky eaters. Cayten will say he is hungry, I make lunch/dinner and he will gag and act like he can't swallow it and then spit it out. I am starting to get worried about him. He has dark circles under his eyes and is tired. I have cut out ALL sweets to use them as bribes but not even that is working. Rysa will eat a few bites but not much. I think with her it is more of a growth spurt. Please, any advice would be GREAT!


Jones said...

Will they drink smoothies? IF so you can do this
3 bananas,
frozen strawberries 1/2 to a whole pound),
1/4- 1/2 cup orange juice concentrate,
2 cups fresh spinach
(just to jam pack it with vitamins, it sounds gross but actually isn't bad), and enough water to get a good consistency...

Get a cool swirly straw at the store and tell them it is his favorite action figures magical slime or something.. If you can get him to start eating this especially in the morning it will really energize him. Have you asked the doctor about it? Does he complain about a sore throat or anything? My kids actually like the smoothie and so does Jacob. you will be suprised.. the bananas mask the spinach flavor.
Weird.. I know. But try it. It might not help.. but ya never know.

Anonymous said...

Something else you could try that you may already be doing is giving them option. So if you're having a sandwich you say, would you like them cut in triangles or squares. Let them choose which bowl they would like to use. Have them help set the table or even peel the carrot. I found that any little way they can be involved in the whole process helps them enjoy it better. While making the list you could ask him what he wants them let him see you write it on the list. Also try and distract him at meal time by talking about something he likes. The more attention you draw to them not eating their stuff may magnify the situation. I don't know we went through this a little and these are some things that worked for us. Good luck. You will know what to do.

Braydan and Jessica said...

I'm with you! So frustrating! We get out the icecream and put it right in front of him to motivate him to finish his healthy food.

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