Monday, January 7, 2013


Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary,
HaaaAAApy Anniversary!

Today Cris and I have been married for 8 mostly wonderful years! My goal in our marriage is to make sure the good days far surpass the bad days.  We all know there will be bad days, however, I want to focus on the good days!

I posted on FB how crazy it is to look back on my life.  9 years ago, before Cris and I started dating, I KNEW that I would never be married or have a family, I would become a doctor, and all would be well.  

At that time, I had gone on a total of 2 dates from 16-20 years old.  I had been forced to go on one of the dates and it was the worst date of my entire life!  I thought moving over to Logan and living the "single" life would change things but it didn't.  When it didn't, I knew I would be single forever!

Enter Cris into my life in March 2004.  He was friends with my roommate.  They hung out all the time so I got to know him as a friend.  I wanted something more.  I usually did.  Any time a guy gave me attention, I hoped they would ask me out on a date.  With Cris it never really happened that way.  We became friends, I wanted more, he said we were just friends, I accepted that.  Every now and then I would wish for more than just friends but room mates would ask him and he continued to say we were just friends.

This little scenario went on for 2 months.  School was over.  We were all going our separate ways.  I was going to Oregon for a few days.  Friends and Roomies were all moving back to SLC and Cris moving back to Ogden.  Surely, that would be it.  I knew we would probably fall apart and not really have much in common as we lived in different places, had different friends, etc.

Little did I know . . . when I got home from Oregon, Cris asked me to start dating him.  We went on our first official date in the beginning of May.  By September 6, 2004 we were engaged, and on January 7th 2005 we were married!

There are so many times I look at my life, my children, my husband, and my home and laugh just a little bit.  I never thought I'd be here in this place at this time.

My favorite quote is "if you wanna make God laugh, tell him YOUR plans for the future"

It is so true, you never know what your future will hold.  For me, I do know that my future will always include my wonderful forever husband and family, and that's all that matters!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Getting to the Nitty Gritty

I don't know how many people read this blog.  I know some still do because I get comments every now and then.  I am going to start using this as a way to not only document my family life but also get into my personal life as well.

I am on a journey to a healthier me in 2013 and it's going to be a LONG road ahead.  I am going to need all the motivation I can get so if I post about weightloss, please, leave a comment.  Keep me on this path!

Tonight I watched Biggest Loser.  It made me realize that while I've got the physical thing of losing weight down.  I can workout for 1.5 hours.  Work my butt off, and not give up, etc.  I do not have the emotional part down.

How do you get that?  How do you get through all the baggage that obesity brings?  I have been overweight my whole life.  There is so much negativity drawn from that.  That negativity spirals into so many other areas of life that it no longer is just about the weight.  So, how do you get to the bottom of it without a therapist?  How do you let go  of all those crazy thoughts you've led yourself to believe? How do you rid yourself of the negativity become the girl our Heavenly Father wants you to be?

Today for my fast I fasted for an open heart.  Mainly and open heart to start feeling Heavenly Father's unconditional love.  I know he loves me but I let Satan in and persuade me differently.  I will figure this out.  Keep on following me on this journey as I do, and if you have any suggestions - COMMENT PLEASE!

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