We went on a hike to some hot springs up Spanish Fork canyon. We were told to watch out for nudists so we were a little worried but it was a cool rainy day and we went early in the morning so we were in LUCK! On the hike Cayten found a broke robin's egg. There were like 5 pools you could sit in. Some were perfect for the kids, others were HOT! It was a BEAUTIFUL hike.
As many of you know we were able to view the Eclipse here in Utah. It
was a pretty awesome experience. The only downside was I kept being
foolish and looking right into the sun. I was getting frustrated and so
I put on 2 pair of sunglasses. It WORKED. So, I had the genius idea to
put those sunglasses over my camera and this is what I got. WAHOO!
My aunt was diagnosed with Breast Cancer earlier this year. A bunch of us got together and ran the 5k. Well, I was the only one that ended up doing the 5k since everyone else did the mile, but it was my first 5k of the year. I have now done 2 more and on my way to running a 10k in September!
My Carsyn turned ONE! Man, time flies! We actually celebrated about a week after his birthday. For his birthday he was experiencing fevers of 105 and a couple seizures to go along with them. He had a few absent seizures but hasn't had any since the fevers broke so we are hoping it was just part of the virus he had. It was very SCARY. He also started walking shortly after his first birthday and is now a running machine. It is so much fun to have him in our home. We crack up laughing multiple times a day by the things he says and does. He now can sign more, please, ball, and he says ball and mmmmmm for food. He use to say mom and dad but hasn't really since he learned the word BALL!